The standard shipping timeframe typically falls within 2 business days, but rest assured that we’ll make every effort to expedite product dispatch from our warehouse.

You may receive the product in separate packages because it ships from various warehouse locations.

Emails with tracking information for every shipment will be distributed. In the orders section, tracking information is also available to registered users.

In accordance with the address you provide, the duration of delivery may vary. The tracking information will be provided along with an anticipated time of delivery.

Although we depend on the best courier services to transport the products, there may be an uncontrollable courier partner delay. Because of this delay, cancellation of orders will not be allowed.

Prior to shipping, we inspect the goods and its packing for quality. Kindly do not accept the shipment if you discover that it has been tampered with. Please notify us right away in such a circumstance, and keep the delivery person’s phone number close at reach.

Please remember to take a video while you open the package. Reporting product defects or transit damage will require this.